Future Cities

“to those who are uncovering these documents... be warned

shifts in the positions of the planets may render

portions of instruction inaccurate with time...

but time is not the question on the journey... to the future cities”

the astronomer cried... a puppet to the will of the galaxy

as his lightship was approaching a vast and unpredictable territory

he plotted accurately... but waves that were behaving erratically

left his figures and his data infantile before the forces of gravity

the astronomer pined... be no path charted to the future cities

no one road travels to the state of mind

where one encounters their own destiny

though he wished desperately... despair’s only an obstacle to clarity

where our visions and our moments

intertwine to form the balance of harmony

Words by David Delmar. ©2001

Ocean Tone - Words [back to main page]